Friday, October 4, 2013

Let's Chat! Twitterchat!

Today, I joined a twitter chat #connectedpd whose topic is a new community-sourced professional development in teaching and learning. I could find current professional development-related sources and information online.

[Twitter Chats:]

Unfortunately, however, today is Friday, so just few people joined and shared their information and thoughts. Despite this fact, everything I experienced there was totally new to me, and it made me desire to be more involved in this twitter world continually.

Every new step takes a lot of pains, but I am so happy to step into the new Twitter world because I can get much more input from others' thinking and suggestion on a certain topic related to educational technology and ESL/EFL learning. In this sense, I believe the virtual online space of the Twitterchat gives me a good chance to share people's ideas and thoughts, develop my own opinions, and sometimes ask and answer some questions. It would serve as a great foundation for me to grow as a good professional educator.

Next time, I wish to join other twitterchats where I can see more participants and find interesting topics. Anyway, twitterchatting was a great experience! 

1 comment:

  1. I hope you get to participate in a more active chat sometime in the future.
