I wrote my first fairy tale, Doolydoo in the Underground Wonderland, for my future adult L2 students on the Storybird. It is a weird but compelling story that Doolydoo goes through in the underground wonderland! It was a fun experience that makes me feel like I am a real writer. However, I did not complete the whole story because I wanted to give my students a chance to finish the story the way they want as a kind of storytelling activity. I am looking forward to a wide range of interesting endings my future students will make.
Storybird is full of resources. Classroom management tools, the ability to issue assignments and a library of creative story for students are all at my fingertips here. I as a teacher can use Storybird for the longitudinal examination of student progress in the classroom via the student portfolio application. Storybird will also offer aspiring writers a communal hub for expressing their creativity and gaining valuable feedback from a cyber audience. In addition, Storybird can be used for homework, book reports, and research projects. It could bridge any distance gap through the use of distance learning tools. It is cool, isn't it?!
I like your idea of having the students complete the story.